Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Inventory of Being

I am Samantha.

I am 19 years old.

I am a young optimist.

I stand slender at 68 inches tall.
I have hazel eye that reflect more green.
I have glossy mahogany hair that sits at my shoulders.
When the sun tans my skin the freckles on my face come out of hiding.

I am a stylist.
I am determined.
I am extrovert.

I love to laugh.

My grandmother is my source of wisdom.
My sister is my best friend.
My boyfriend is my perfect companion.
My mother and father are my constant suppliers of encouragement and praise.

I like hot pink nail polish and stilettos.
I love warm, breezy days and roller coasters.
I hope to one day be a dedicated mother and wife.
I hope one day I’ll be able to do something that holds dear meaning for those who have given so much to me.

I believe in karma and that everything happens for a reason.

I know that you must care about your own personal well being before you can truly care for another.
I know that life is a roller coaster and you must anticipate the bumps and thrills.

I don’t understand how it seems one person can never be fully satisfied your always left wishing for more.

My role model is grandmother she seems to make the best out of every situation.
My hero is my little sister though she is younger then I she can always make me feel better.
My inspirational quote, “Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine they see all day.”

I hate waking up to the obnoxious ring or buzz of alarm clocks I prefer music instead.

I could not survive without a dog they love you no matter what.

I spend way too much money on hair products.

My favorite fictional hero is Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman Kill Bill) she’s fighting for the one person she loves most in this world, her daughter.

If I were rich I would be a firm contributor in helping woman and children all over the world who deserve better opportunities.

I wish for a happy, healthy, long, and fulfilled life.

I can always improvise.
I will make you laugh.
I am easily amused.

I will be an elementary school teacher I love to work with children.

I am a lover but I will fight for the ones I hold dear.
I am stubborn and feel people should except that trait but put me in a room with someone as stubborn as me and I will get very frustrated.

My name is Samantha and this is 2009.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the things you say about your family, family is #1. And the give a stranger a smile... more people should do it
