Decoding Human Sexuality
What is human sexuality and how does a human interpret the term? The word sexuality has many interpretations but the Webster Dictionary, defines human sexuality as, “An organism's preparedness for engaging in sexual activity.” However the meaning of human sexuality may be interpreted differently based upon who is asked. Perhaps when asked, the most common responses would be reproduction, pleasure, and attraction to another human. Human sexuality is just human nature and a volentary act that effects everyone in the universe.
However in order to discuss sexuality one must discuss its main purpose, which is reproduction. Reproduction is a key branch of sexuality. The idea of procreation is to engage in sexual intercourse to create an offspring ( is established to produce a continuing generation and to pass life on from person to person. Whenever one engages in sex, whether for procreation or for pleasure, they face a possible consequence and that consequence is the possible creation of a child. Among a large amount of civilians living in the world, the act of reproduction is strictly left to the interaction of husband and wife. In most religious practices sexual intercourse is to be saved until marriage. Once you are married, according to most religious beliefs, it is accepted to engage in sexual intercourse, to participate in the practice in conceiving a child. Moreover, if it weren’t for the establishment of sex, then no one would be alive. In conclusion, reproduction has been the basis of everyone living in the world as of today and throughout history.
Another contributing aspect to human sexuality is fornication. Fornication is voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried individuals ( To fornicate is more strictly limited to the enjoyment and pleasure of sex shared between two partners. For example, when one is experiencing the act our bodies release the feel good endorphin called oxytocin. When oxytocin is released, our body feels increased sensitivity, increased intimacy and a series of events that leads to a rush of endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain relievers. The endorphin oxytocin then heightens the warm fuzzy bonding feeling between partners, concluding in the desire to be touched by the person more frequently. Furthermore fornication encourages repetitive intercourse and results in building a bonding and intimate relationship ( +
However one other contributor of human sexuality is sex appeal. Sex appeal, is immediate appeal or obvious potential to interest or excite others, as by appearance, style, or charm ( How one person appeals to another varies on personal preference. As humans we judge the potential of a possible match based of appearance. It’s the idea of how sexually attracted we are to another person. Considering someone sexy is to define that person as being excitingly appealing to an individual. However, what makes a person send signals of sex appeal to the public? Some proven theories of what makes a person sexy are wardrobe, skin, personal hygiene, hair care, and physique. Take a woman for example, a woman who wears form-fitting, flattering attire, maintains healthy skin, smells delightful, maintains healthy hair along with a healthy physique would be considerably attractive. Sex appeal is a huge factor in human sexuality because in order to ever participate in sexual activity a person’s connectivity, and overall attractiveness to one another will be the judge of how far a potential relationship will go. Although sex may not be a be a first priority of one getting into a relationship, physical attractiveness will be the key at first, as well as the potential of engaging in sexual activity later (
Human sexuality maintains many different interpretations. Although reproduction, fornication, and sex appeal are major aspects they aren’t the only branches of the human sexuality tree. Equally, human sexuality is the purpose for human existence. If it weren’t for the act of reproduction then no humans would be alive. Meanwhile if it weren’t for physical attractiveness and connectivity between two individuals, then reproduction wouldn’t even be an option, and in conclusion if it weren’t for voluntary sexual intercourse either within marriage or without marriage, sexual bonding ties and intimacy in a relationship may as well be forgotten. However, how one interprets human sexuality there is one point stands true; life would be non-existent if it weren’t for the engagement in sex.
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